Saturday, April 11, 2009

Database replication an effective means of Backup !

What is Database replication?
Database replication is one of most effective means of Backup. This is more effective when you need to handle a huge volume of data in a big organization. It is an online process means the master database is backed up instantaneously as and when there are any changes to the master database. The process of Replication may work in chained fashion. Replication protects against hardware failures on one of the replicated databases but not against user stupidity or maliciousness! If a user deletes a number of records, this process will then be replicated onto the other replicated servers, making replication useless as a reliable means of backup.

How to achieve this? ( I described about MySQL Database only)
Here both the servers are of same versions i.e. version: 4.1.15

The Master server is located in the location

To start the services:

mysqld_multi start 3
mysqld_multi start 4

To log into mysql:

/home/bijit/database/mysql/bin/mysql -u root -proot --port=3307 --socket=/home/bijit/database/mysql/config/mysql.sock

/home/bijit/database2/mysql/bin/mysql -u root -p --port=3308 --socket=/home/bijit/database2/mysql/var/mysql.sock

The slave server is located in the path
On the master do the following:
use database mysql;
GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE ON *.* TO replicator@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'replicator';
Make a copy of tables and data i.e. the entire database of the Master server. In this case copy the data directory located in /home/bijit/database/mysql/var
In the my.cnf of Master server, add the following entries;

4. Login to maser mysql server, and note the bin-log file and its position as
mysql> show master status;
File Position Binlog_Do_DB Binlog_Ignore_DB
localhost-bin.000002 79
1 row in set (0.05 sec)

On the slave do the following:

In the file my.cnf, add the following entries (under the slave servers entry),
master-host = localhost
master-user = replicator
master-password = replicator
master-port = 3307
server-id = 2

2. Start the slave server, create a user called replicator as created in the master;
mysql> use mysql;
mysql> grant all privileges on *.* to replicator@localhost identified by 'replicator';
mysql>flush privileges;
mysql> stop slave;
mysql> CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_HOST='localhost',
Copy the data taken from the master onto the slave.

3. Login to slave server as mysql -u root -proot [This is now same as master]
Start the slave server as
mysql> start slave;

Now check both master and slave and you will see both servers are in sync.
MySql replication has begun !!!

Linux don't run well on Laptops! Who says :-)

I have successfully installed and configured Fedore Core 10 (Cambridge) on my Dell Inspirion 1525 Laptop without a hiccup.The only thing that annoyed me is that I could not play a single mp3 file in any of dozens of Music Players available on FC10. This is really a frustrating aspects of some modern Linux distros is that they do not come with mp3 support rolled in. May be, it is intentionally done to avoid any licensing issues. Also, granted using the ogg format is a much better solution as well as a much better sounding format but for a user like me who has a massive amount of mp3 files already located on multiple hard drives converting to ogg format would be a very time consuming option. So, I wanted to have the mp3 support on my native laptop itself.Here is the solution I have found.The first command will install the necessary repositories for yum to use.
First issue: rpm -ivh
Now it’s time to install the actual plugin for support.
yum -y install gstreamer-plugins-bad gstreamer-plugins-ugly xine-lib-extras-nonfree

Now my system will allow mp3 playback in the major players. But there is still no xmms. To install xmms with mp3 support issue the following command:
yum install xmms xmms-mp3
Once this is finished your machine is all ready for full-blown mp3 playback in just about every type of application!